A new site that features recipes by great chefs and cookbook authors. This looks set to grow into a fantastic resource.
Experimental Music Fun
Have you always wanted to be the next Steve Reich? Then you'll love playing with this fun and simple sinewave synthesizer. Be warned — it's quite addictive! Via Design Observer.
Ten Things Not to Do in Paris has some excellent suggestions on avoiding the tourist traps and making the most of your visit to the City of Light. So wanting to go back now!
Online Printing on a Budget
Jess of the wonderful How About Orange has just done a great roundup of her sources for getting stuff printed online on the cheap — and make sure you check out the comments, as there's some good recommendations there, too.
New Type York
Interesting daily archive devoted to images of typographic artifacts from around New York. Via @illustration.
Staggeringly lovely design blog that is always an inspiration for me. Love it all.
Female Illustrators of the Mid-20th Century
A blog dedicated to the fantastic work by women illustrators in the mid-20th century. Essential reading for any illustrator and/or designer. Via @brainpicker.
Obsolete Occupations
Fascinating slideshow on NPR of jobs that have become extinct — see what it was like to be an elevator operator, lamplighter, pinsetter (in a bowling alley) or iceman, just to name a few.
(the lovely photograph is from Marie Claire Maison)