The Pie-a-Day Project
Chef and writer Evan Kleiman recently embarked on a fun project — to make a pie-a-day all through the summer. That's 90 pies! What makes this especially interesting is how spontaneous she's keeping her piemaking — she never knows the night before what kind of pie she'll make the next day. Via Dorie Greenspan, who has a lovely post about this project on her blog.
Top Ten Time-Travelling Stories
Linda Buckley-Archer picks her favourite stories about travelling through time, ranging from H.G. Wells to Jeanette Winterson.
Perfume Fountain for Humanity
Artist Anne McClain has embarked on an intriguing project — the creation of a perfume based on the experience of an act of humanity. I'll be following this one. Via Design Observer.
A Pocket Guide to Prehistoric Spain
What do you do if you're a hunter-gatherer living 14,000 years ago who needs to know where to find food? You consult a map, of course. A rock, roughly hand-sized, etched with overlapping images and dated at 14,000 years old was found in a cave in Navarre on the southern side of the Pyrenees nearly 10 years ago — and it's taken Pilar Utrilla of the University of Zaragoza, Spain and colleagues the better part of that time to disentangle the overlapping lines and make sense of them. Fascinating. Via Andrew (thanks!)
A beautifully designed and inspiring blog featuring interiors I absolutely love.
Getting Away, But Not From Cooking
Jhumpa Lahiri rediscovers the versatility of the humble cast iron frying pan while grappling with the restrictions of a summer rental kitchen.
Wilder Women
Judith Thurman examines the lives of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her daughter Rose, and how their experiences influenced the Little House on the Prairie stories. Via The New Yorker.
Julia Child's Eggplant Gratin (Gratin D'Aubergines Provençal)
I definitely have to try this — I love eggplant. Via Andrea Meyers (who made this in honour of the new film Julie & Julia), via Tastespotting.
(photograph from my archive of Domino Deco Files)