One of my heroes died this week. Robert Rauschenberg, aptly described in an obituary by Michael Kimmelman of the New York Times as "... a Titan of American art," passed away on Monday, leaving us an extraordinary body of work. Kimmelman writes: “A painter, photographer, printmaker, choreographer, onstage performer, set designer and, in later years, a composer, Mr. Rauschenberg defied the traditional idea that an artist stick to one medium or style. He pushed, prodded and sometimes substantially reconceived various mediums in which he worked.” Read the rest of Kimmelman's excellent obituary here. You can also view a slideshow about Rauschenberg here. Shown above is Rauschenberg's Untitled, from 1952, a transfer on paper with gouache, watercolor, crayon, pencil, and cut paper (Guggenheim Collection).