Melbourne Modern
Take a tour of a sunny Edwardian home in Melbourne, gently updated. That's the dining area above.
11 Unbelievably Beautiful Sci-Fi Movies for the Ages
Vanity Fair has put together a list of visually stunning sci-fi films, to get you in the mood for the new Blade Runner 2049. I need to rewatch some of these. Classics.
Bodies in Motion
Mesmerising short videos by Niv Novak of dancers in slow motion, seemingly floating in mid-air. Via @mymodernmet.
Survival of the Kindest
Helpful ways to bring compassion into your daily life. A useful reminder if you're feeling a bit burned out with all the meanness in the world right now. Even better—kindness is catching.
Make Your Wardrobe a Work of Art
These designers make a strong argument for fashion as art form—have a look and get inspired.
Leonard Cohen Says Goodbye
"The Flame", the final book of poetry by Leonard Cohen, was released this week. The poems were selected and ordered by the author, and include finished poems as well as illustrations, song lyrics, prose pieces and material from Cohen's notebooks.
The 20,000-Year-Old History of Red Pigments in Art
Fascinating overview of the colour red in art history, from the red ochre used by Neanderthal artists in their cave art to Lithol, used by Rothko in a series of murals in 1962 to dire effect—the untested new pigment turned out to be highly light sensitive.
Chocolate Zucchini Cake
A useful recipe to have in your repertoire, this version by French cookery writer Clotilde of Chocolate and Zucchini (no, uh, relation) is an elegant take on a modern classic (the addition of a dash of coffee is genius).
(photo: est magazine)