Vintage Paris
Take a tour of the Paris home of wedding dress designer Laure de Sagazan—full of charm (and great vintage pieces, too).
Insect Flower Arrangements By Raku Inoue
Utterly beautiful series by Montreal-based creative Raku Inoue, featuring real flowers and leaves delicately assembled into beetles, butterflies and other insects. Gorgeous work.
Best Holiday Reads 2017
Leading writers share in The Guardian their recommendations for summer reading. Lots of great books, ranging from all kinds of fiction to poetry, memoirs, history, biographies and more. Link above takes you to Part One—read Part Two here.
Agnes Martin Finds the Light That Gets Lost
Lovely essay by Larissa Pham on the power and personal significance of a particular work by abstract painter Agnes Martin.
9 Italian Art Terms You Should Know
Make your next art gallery experience richer and more indepth with these 9 Italian art terms.
How Dinner Is Served Across the U.S.
Fascinating selection of images from the series Weeknight Dinners by photographer Lois Bielefeld, which explores what a typical weeknight dinner is for nearly 80 individuals and families in the USA.
The Ardent Followers of A Détacher
New Yorker profile of New York-based fashion designer Mona Kowalska and her clothing line, A Détacher, "...a deliberately small, rarefied brand with a passionate, almost cult-like clientele of creative New York women."
Fast Italian Summer Recipes
Food and Wine has rounded up a great list of Italian summer recipes, featuring fresh seasonal veggies and lots of quick grilling. Perfect for weekend entertaining.
(photo: the platform experiment instagram via anne sage)