A Loft In Montreuil
Take a tour of the lovely loft of architect Marika Chaumet, located in a former knitting factory.
28 Days of Black Designers
Fantastic project that spotlights black designers during Black History Month. So inspiring, and covers a whole range of creative fields, from architecture to graphic design, fashion and more.
The Vibrant Life of a Legendary Design Editor
Anyone who loves interior design will be familiar with the English magazine The World of Interiors, the creation of the extraordinary Min Hogg. I've been a huge fan for years—it's an artist's approach to interiors, paying as much attention to the beauties of the humblest abode as it does to grander spaces.
How To Put Pandas In Your Hard Candy
Mesmerizing video of Canadian candy company Candy Labs making by hand candy with tiny pandas in the centre. Also quite soothing to watch, actually.
Before the Garden Gnome, the Ornamental Hermit
Fascinating review of a new book that explores the 18th century fad for ornamental hermits—real people hired by wealthy estate owners (mainly in England) to dress as druids, grow their hair and not wash for years at a time. Oddly enough they often found it difficult to find takers for the job...
The Royal Society Biographical Memoirs
Based in London, The Royal Society is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence. Recently it made its biographical memoirs archive free to access—read the memoirs of such distinguished Fellows as Albert Einstein, Dorothy Hodgkin, Alan Turing among others.
How Ben Bradlee and Sally Quinn Restored Grey Gardens
If you've seen the stunning documentary Grey Gardens, you have to see this—the amazing restoration undertaken in the early 1980's by legendary Washington Post executive editor Ben Bradlee and his wife, journalist Sally Quinn.
Fettucine With Kale, Caramelized Onions and Goat Cheese
Perfect for a weeknight supper, this 5 ingredient recipe by Amy Chaplin from her book At Home in the Whole Food Kitchen is quick and easy to put together. Via A Cup of Jo.
(photo: designort)