Classic Meets Minimal
Take a tour of the Manhattan loft of Michael and Alexandra Misczynski, the husband and wife design team behind Atelier AM. Serene mix of classic antiques and minimalist architecture.
In the Life of Bill Cunningham
Still sad we lost legendary street photographer Bill Cunningham two weeks ago. Take a moment to view this lovely slide show by the New York Times on Bill's life and work.
The Roof Garden Commission 2016
British artist Cornelia Parker has created an extraordinary large-scale sculpture for the Met's Roof Garden, a 30-foot high work inspired by two emblems of American architecture — the classic red barn and the Bates family home from Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 film Psycho. Follow the link to see a video. If you're in New York, you can view it until October 31.
Seven of the Most Memorable Towns on Earth (That Only Exist in Literature)
Lovely list of imaginary cities in literature, ranging from Macondo (from the novel 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez) to the dune village in Kobo Abe's The Woman in the Dunes.
Punk Weekender
Great slide show of women in punk from the Photographers' Gallery in London.
My Bookshelf, Myself
Musician and artist Laurie Anderson shares the 10 books she'd take with her if she were marooned on a desert island. As interesting in range as her taste in films (something I've shared in a previous Buffet).
Cinematic Style on Display
Criterion has put together a fantastic list of 24 international films that feature fashion prominently, ranging from Antonioni's 1955 film Le amiche, to Charade (Audrey Hepburn in Givenchy) to Catherine Deneuve's chilly elegance in Belle de jour.
Eggplant Wraps
Easy to make, these little veggie stacks start with slices of eggplant (grilled or fried) wrapped around fresh spinach, sundried tomatoes, pine nuts and Asiago cheese. Perfect for summer, as a starter or with a side or two.
(photo of court farm barn by designscape architects via archello)