Lofty in Zurich
Take a tour of a remodel of one of the first lofts in Zurich, Switzerland — dating from the '80s, it's been given a subtle update.
15 Ways to Cook With Tea
Epicurious rounds up 15 recipes with tea, savoury and sweet.
Rare French Couture in Pictures
The National Gallery of Victoria recently acquired 130 pieces of rare French couture — this slide show is a lovely sampling. Gorgeous pieces.
Top 10 Arctic Novels
Make yourself a hot mug of tea and settle in to read stories set in the frozen north.
Downloadable Colouring Books From Museums and Libraries
Earlier this month museums and libraries all over the world took part in #ColorOurCollections, making artwork from their collections available as free colouring books. Follow the link to download colouring books from The Bodleian Library, The Smithsonian and The New York Public Library among others.
16 Famous Designers Share Their Favourite Notebooks
Designers from Ikea, Pentagram, Ideo and more tell Co. Design what makes a great notebook.
The Lost Streets of Old Paris
Lovely collection of photos by Eugène Atget (1857-1927), who made it his life's mission to document the shops, streets and architecture of a Paris being swept away by modernization.
Roasted Sweet Potato With Chickpeas, Goat Cheese and Coriander
Healthy and really easy to make, this lovely recipe by Renée Kemps is one I'll be trying out very soon. Stunning food photos on her site, too.
(photo: another ballroom via riazzoli)