Inside Eileen Gray's Modernist Haven, E1027
AnOther magazine has a lovely slide show tour of the fabled house known as E1027, legendary architect Eileen Gray's masterpiece. Short cut to slide show here.
The Carpal Tunnel Cure
Check out this series of simple lower arm and hand exercises designed to alleviate the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, the curse of the digital age.
The Death of the Party
Intriguing New York Times article on how twenty-somethings are scaling back on the partying so beloved by previous generations, suggesting that technological advances, as well as economic and cultural changes, may be the reason why. I kinda feel like throwing a party after reading this, though...
7 Dark Lipsticks Made for Fall
I always like a bold lip myself — have a look at the newest fall lipsticks in gorgeous deep berry and chocolate tones, chosen by the editors of W magazine.
Paramount Opens Its Vaults on YouTube
This is interesting — Paramount Pictures recently launched a YouTube channel called the Paramount Vault, where it will be making many of its full-length motion pictures available for free streaming. Great idea.
Forgotten Female Photographers
This sounds like an amazing show. 'Who's Afraid of Women Photographers' features the work of forgotten female photographers — with extraordinary personal stories accompanying their images. See it at the Musée de l'Orangerie and Musée D'Orsay in Paris, October 14 2015 to January 23 2016 — or follow the link above to view a slide show with selections from the exhibition. With thanks to Andrew for the link.
A Meditative Surf-Film Soundtrack for Chilling
Anthology Recordings just released the soundtrack to 'Litmus', the 1996 surf documentary by director and musician Andrew Kidman — and, judging by the sample track, it was well worth the wait. Beautiful music.
Moroccan Harira
A spiced and warming soup, harira features chickpeas, lentils and kale for a substantial and comforting bowl — perfect for chilly autumn evenings.
(photo by davide lovatti via my unfinished home)