Melbourne Factory Living
Take a tour of the stylish bohemian home of artist Saskia Folk, in what was once a leather factory in Melbourne. Love this one.
10 Golden Movie Beauty Moments
Fun slide show over at Vogue of golden beauty in film including Elizabeth Taylor's gilded Cleopatra costume, Grace Kelly's gold lamé ball gown in To Catch a Thief and, of course, the classic Goldfinger scene.
The Paper-Airplane Collector
From The New Yorker: "The artist Harry Smith collected two hundred and fifty-one airplanes off the streets and annotated each one with notes on where and when it was found." Lovely slide show of Smith's collection — so many different designs!
Going Souterrain
Fascinating article by Will Hunt about his experiences exploring the catacombs, tunnels and caves underneath Paris, where he spent several days and nights with a band of urban explorers.
10 Books About Forgetting
Writer Alastair Bruce picks his favourite books on the theme of forgetting, including The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro, Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Cormac McCarthy's The Road.
Wim Wenders on European Cinema and the American Western
AnOther magazine speaks to the cinematic legend about filming his newest short in Fellini's favourite studio, and the allure of 60s cinémathèques.
Seven Best Apple Breakfasts
Food and Wine magazine has a lovely round up of seven great ways to use the autumn bounty of apples for breakfast, with recipes for busy work mornings and leisurely weekends.
(photo: bodie and fou)