House in the Woods
I missed this space the first time around, so I'm really glad I finally stumbled across it the other day. It's a gorgeous minimalist house in the woods — one with a simple palette of black and white that really works well against the leafy green beauty outside. Love this.
The Words We Wear
From Intelligent Life: "Clothes now have so many labels that a pair of jeans can come with 700 words attached. Rebecca Willis looks at the fine print."
The 10 Favorite Films of Avant-Garde Surrealist Filmmaker Luis Buñuel
Fascinating and idiosyncratic list of Buñuel's favourites, with links to some that you can watch online for free.
I Let IBM's Robot Chef Tell Me What to Cook For a Week
Intriguing and at times hilarious adventures of a food writer who decides to let Chef Watson, IBM's robot chef, dictate what he cooks for a week.
How Nostalgia Can Fuel Creativity
Looking back may help you look forward — recent research has shown that nostalgia can have positive effects, like making people more optimistic about the future and more willing to set new goals.
How to Become Shamelessly Obsessed With Honey in 12 Easy Steps
A great Epicurious post that tells you everything you need to know about how to buy, cook with and bake with honey.
Bill Nye's Salad
Bill Nye is not only the Science Guy — he also makes a mean salad, one that's been handed down from his French ancestors. Definitely making this one.
French Potato Salad
A lovely recipe that's a far cry from the mayo-heavy version seen at bbqs and picnics — this one features a mustard vinaigrette, green beans and fresh dill. I can see this becoming a summer favourite.
(photo by kitka via seesaw)