At Home With Maira Kalman
Take a tour of the lovely New York City home of artist and author Maira Kalman over on Design*Sponge. Love.
The Saveur 2014 Cookie Advent Calendar
It's back! Saveur features 25 delectable cookie recipes from around the world, to discover each day of December up to Christmas Day. So wonderful.
The World's Most Expensive Gingerbread House
Do you have $78,000 lying around? Then this is the holiday treat for you — the world's most expensive gingerbread house. Or skip the jewels and make one just like it for much, much, much less...
Ladies Last: 8 Inventions by Women That Dudes Got Credit For
Monopoly, nuclear fission, programming: ladies did it first. And five other inventions, too. Share with your daughters.
Britain's Silliest Place Names
Feel like reliving being 10 again? Check out this map of authentic and rude place names in Britain. You'll be giggling for hours afterwards, I promise you.
Five Baking Books Worth Buying This Holiday
Great New York Times review of five new baking books — perfect for treating someone to for the holidays (or yourself, for that matter).
Top Ten Gothic Novels
The Victorians loved telling ghost stories around the Christmas fire (see Dickens). Any one of the tales on this list of classic gothic novels from the 18th and 19th centuries will definitely give you a pleasantly creepy feeling as you sip your eggnog.
Leek, Lemon and Goat Cheese Breakfast Tart
Perfect for a Sunday breakfast, this elegant tart is quick and easy to make, too. Site is in Finnish — scroll down for the recipe in English.
(photo via nordal by way of woontrendz)