Today's Listening Booth is hosted by the brilliantly talented and lovely DJ Lamb Rabbit, and it's all about warm summer days spent in and by the water. In fact, Lamb Rabbit was so inspired that our Summer Listening Booth post is a four part series, to dip into throughout the month of August. Enjoy Part 1.
Hailing from Ottawa, Canada, Rachel DJs around town under her creative nom de plume Lamb Rabbit, as well as with a lady-DJ collective she co-founded called The Girlfriends.
You can find some of Rachel's mixes here.
Rachel's Three Picks
Summer sun leaves me yearning to get off of dry land and into the cool, cool water. Lay back and listen to the lapping of the waves, or dive a little deeper. Let's go swimming.
Marcos Valle — Estrelar
Brigitte Bardot — La Madrague
The Monkees — Porpoise Song
(photo of lovisa ingman by juliana harkki for samuji, s/s 2011)