Cloud: An Indoor Thunderstorm
This is so cool — multidisciplinary designer Richard Clarkson's Cloud creation is an interactive light shaped like a cumulous cloud. Based on external input (remote control or motion sensors) it simulates a thunderstorm both in light and sound. Follow the link to see it in action.
Cape Town Eclectic
Take a tour over at sfgirlbybay of the truly beautiful home of South African interior stylist Shelly Street — love its serene white walls and floors, perfectly setting off her collection of lovely natural objects and mid century furniture.
Taking the Oblong View
Rebecca Willis muses on what she considers the most useful summer garment of all — that simple rectangle of cloth, the sarong.
The Edible ABCs
This is so sweet. Designer Tommy Perez is teaching his two year old daughter Zöe the alphabet, but with a twist — he creates edible letters. Check out his slide show of delicious lessons made from foods that Zöe likes, such as A (drawn with applesauce) to K (kale!) to R (rice krispies squares). See more of Tommy's great work on his instagram account, too.
13 Minimalist Movie Posters
Test your knowledge of classic films with this fun slide show of very minimalist movie posters (thankfully with hints).
Without You I'm Nothing
Fascinating long read over at The Believer about the autobiographies of women who loved 60's and 70's rock stars, and their struggles to deal with the glare of their partners' fame — and to move beyond being mere historical footnotes and become individuals. Some, like Marianne Faithfull, eventually made it — others, sadly, weren't so lucky.
Marge Simpson Makeup
And now in fun beauty news — MAC has just created a 10-piece makeup collection inspired by cartoon style icon Marge Simpson. Previews indicate it'll be a bright palette including Beehive Blue, the exact shade of Marge's gravity defying hair.
Morning, Noon or Night Salad
Created by Sarah Tuck of the utterly lovely From the Kitchen blog, this fresh and easy salad works for breakfast, lunch or dinner, is filled with good things and a snap to make — spinach leaves, soft buffalo mozzarella, avocado, tomatoes, proscuitto, fresh basil and a poached egg.
(photo by vipp via hannahs room)