Under the Hill: A Surreal Dutch Home
Check out the slide show for this extraordinary modern Dutch home that's an eco-conscious Surrealist's dream — a full size car hanging from a wall is just one of the many surprises inside. I like the touches of traditional Dutch design (such as the Delft tiles) added here and there in original ways.
Portraits in Creativity: Maira Kalman
This sounds great. Gael Towey recently launched Portraits in Creativity, a short film series documenting artists and their inspirations. The latest features illustrator Maira Kalman, one of my personal faves. Via Swiss Miss.
12 Photos of Britons and Their Whimsical Sheds
It's reassuring to know that British eccentricity is alive and well, as evidenced by the recent announcement of the finalists of the 2014 Shed of the Year awards. Check out a few of the winners in their sheds done up like teapots, arcades, retro diners and more. Love how much fun everyone seems to have creating these.
What Jane Austen Really Looked Like
From Explore: "Forensic scientists reconstruct what Jane Austen really looked like — quite different from the current Bank of England currency depiction." Fascinating.
10 Ways to Make the World a Nicer Place
Smile at others. Make compliments instead of just thinking them. Help others. Just a few of the ten easy things you can do to make the world around you a nicer place — and along the way create more happiness for yourself, too.
Picnic Generator
Saveur magazine has put together a fun slot-machine style picnic recipe generator — just click to spin for a great selection of mains, snacks, sides, sweets and drinks. Brilliant idea. Via FastCo.
10 Favourite Beauty Products of A-Listers
A list of skin care and make up faves in various price ranges that the famous swear by, including the madly affordable Aquafor by Eucerin — available at any drugstore and a go to choice by Charlize Theron, Beyoncé, Nicole Kidman and Lucy Liu.
Chilled Cucumber Soup With Farm Fresh Herbs
A lovely and refreshing summer soup by farmer and foodie Andrea Bemis of the fab blog Dishing Up the Dirt. Perfect for hot and humid days when cooking is utterly unappealing.
(photo by melanie grizzel via camille styles)