A Father-Daughter Pas de Deux
Utterly lovely piece by Dwight Garner about how he started taking his then 12 year old daughter Hattie to the ballet as a way to reconnect with her — despite the fact that neither of them really knew much about it — and how they both grew to love it.
Eating With the Chefs
Slide show of images from photographer Per-Anders Jorgensen's new book Eating With the Chefs: Family Meals From the World's Most Creative Restaurants, which looks at the staff meals at 18 of the top restaurants in the world. Interesting that many prepare (perfectly made) versions of home cooking to staff rather than the fancier fare served to the restaurant patrons.
Best Eyebrows of All Time
Vogue slide show of great eyebrows, past and present. Amazing how they can really define the character of a face.
Why Handwriting Is Good For You
From the NYT article by Maria Konnikova: "Cursive or not, the benefits of writing by hand extend beyond childhood. For adults, typing may by a fast and efficient alternative to longhand, but that very efficiency may diminish our ability to process new information. Not only do we learn letters better when we commit them to memory through writing, memory and learning ability in general may benefit."
Stop Motion Animated Tissue Animals
Who knew facial tissues could be magical? Watch the charming capers and transformations of these lovely stop motion origami tissue animals by Yuki Ariga, created for Japanese paper manufacturer Nepia.
Now You See It, Now You Don't — and Now You Do
The recent restoration of a mysterious 17th century Dutch seascape has revealed a surprising secret — a whale, painted over by a later hand. Follow the link for the before and after (and why this might have been done, too).
A Real-Life Mermaid's Beauty Secrets
Besides offering tips on waterproof makeup and hair care, this interview with professional mermaid Linden Wolbert is just fascinating — who knew someone could make a living doing something we've all dreamed about as children?
Summer Watermelon Salad
Not only refreshing when the weather turns sultry, this is also the easiest salad you'll ever make — and the genius part is that it looks so beautiful when assembled.
(photo by randi andreassen via decor8)