"We are so excited that we now represent my favorite wallpaper company! I have used Studio E in all of my projects because their products are one of a kind and are the only company that makes Venetian plaster in the form of wallpaper! Studio E also specializes in metal-leaf wallpapers, I recently used the Egypt #2274 paper in white gold in my 5th Avenue project. Studio E has been used by many high-end retail stores around the world, such as Louis Vuitton and Tiffany & Co.
If you are at all thinking of using Venetian plaster in your home or on a project I highly recommend Studio E’s wallpaper as the benefits are endless! I recently worked on a project in which the client wanted Venetian plaster walls, but they had young children that often bang their toys into the walls. If Venetian plaster gets chipped you often have to have the entire wall re-surfaced in hopes that it will match with the rest of your walls. Using Studio E, a wallpaper panel can be immediately replaced with same-lot stock, with 100% assurance of a perfect match. Also, many times we change our minds or get tired of a color we have in our home. The removal of direct application Venetian plaster is costly, time consuming, messy, and requires the use of chemicals and surface sanding tools. Walls must be re-prepped to receive a new treatment and skilled labor is required. If you choose to remove your Venetian plaster wallpaper on the other hand, no artisan experience necessary. Wallpaper is removed with standard removal techniques. Redesign is inexpensive, fast, clean and easy. We cannot wait to help you with your next wallpaper project!"