AnOther's Favourite Older Women
In celebration of the upcoming documentary Advanced Style, AnOther has put together a list of their favourite older women — all perfect examples of how beauty, style and talent resonate at any age. Look and be inspired.
10 Routine Changes to Make You Happier
Ten scientifically proven ways to boost your mood instantly — all easy to add to your daily routine.
An 800 Page Guide to Colour, 271 Years Before Pantone
Fascinating find — in 1692 a Dutch artist known only as A. Boogert handwrote and painted a detailed 800 page guide to the use of colour in painting. The colours still look clear and bright. Link above takes you to excerpts from the book — you can view the entire book here.
12 Album Covers Designed by Famous Artists
This is interesting — I'm familiar with Andy Warhol's album cover design for the Velvet Underground, but I had no idea Robert Rauschenberg created a limited edition cover for Talking Heads. So cool. Some beautiful covers here, too.
Upside-Down Houses
Intriguing article about a recent architectural trend, designed to draw tourists — constructing upside-down houses, complete with inverted furnishings and decor. See examples from Austria, China, Germany and Russia.
Fashion Illustration With Flower Petals
Singapore-based student Grace Ciao adds the natural beauty of nature to her fashion illustrations — she uses real flower petals instead of paint or fabric in her work. Really lovely.
Hammy Baddies in Film: The Joys of Overacting
An affectionate appreciation of the sheer pleasure of watching good actors having fun doing over the top, scenery-chewing performances. My personal fave — Gary Oldman in The Fifth Element. So wonderful.
Naan Pizza
A lovely idea from the lovely Nigella Lawson — using naan bread as a quick pizza base. Perfect for weeknight dinners when you're too tired to cook — add veggies and the odd leftovers, top with cheese and you're good to go.
(photo by kyle born)