Hamburg Region + wes anderson

  • This week's links. Enjoy.
    Good Reads: Remodelista
    Victoria of the lovely sfgirlbybay recently did a great review of the Remodelista blog's new book, with lots of stunning photos — definitely putting this one on the book list.
    The Grand Budapest Hotel's Real Life Inspiration
    Wes Anderson's film was inspired by a real hotel — the Grandhotel Pupp in the Czech Republic's spa town of Karlovy Vary.
    Fictional Places That Attract Real-Life Tourists
    And in contrast to the above — places created in films and TV that now attract tourists, such as Bond villain Blofeld's mountain hideaway in On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Cameron's house in Ferris Bueller's Day Off and the Overlook Hotel from The Shining.
    Cottage Loaf for Virginia Woolf
    Samantha Ellis reviews The Bloomsbury Cookbook, and meditates on Virginia Woolf's love of cooking, which she didn't learn to do until she was 32.
    What Famous Paintings Reveal About Pollution
    Fascinating intersection of art and science — studying the colours of sunsets in paintings helps scientists determine the level of aerosols in the atmosphere hundreds of years ago.
    A Girl Called Elastika
    Sweet little stop-motion animation film made entirely from office supplies. So creative and fun.
    Covet Garden
    The April issue of the always lovely Covet Garden is live — looking forward to having a tea and browse through later today.
    Seven-A-Day Veggies and Fruit
    Are you up for it? Eating seven or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day is healthier than the minimum five currently recommended and would prolong lives, experts now say.
    2-Ingredient Sandwiches
    Hungry? Impatient? Saveur has you covered with these 9 suggestions for quick and perfect sandwich pairings, such as Tomato and Avocado, Goat Cheese and Olive Tapenade, Ham and Hard Boiled Egg or Ricotta and Honey.
    (photo by pia ulin)