Bill Cunningham's Early New York Photos
Slide show of selected images from Facades, street photographer Bill Cunningham's upcoming show at the New York Historical Society featuring his early work photographing models in vintage outfits shot in historic New York City locations. Just amazing — go if you can.
On The Move By IKEA
The clever new On The Move line by IKEA is designed specifically for young urbanites — a demographic that moves frequently, lives in small spaces and isn't keen on toting huge pieces of furniture up and down several flights of stairs every few months. Follow the link to see a slide show of the collection.
The Dandy Down the Ages
Via More Intelligent Life: "Whether he's an aesthete or a peacock, the sharp-dressed man never goes away." Matthew Sweet takes a look at the dandy throughout history.
The Lost Cleopatra
Filmed in 1917, lost and now the stuff of legend, the earliest Cleopatra movie starred the original vamp Theda Bara and was the most popular film of that year. Follow the link to see stills from the film — the costumes are spectacular (and pre-Hayes Code).
It's Not What It Seems
Have a look at the trompe-l'oeil work of artist Hikaru Cho, who paints common foods to look like other foods. Fascinating.
Rejection Letters Sent to Famous People
Feeling rejected? Take heart in this collection of ten rejection letters sent to Andy Warhol, Madonna, Tim Burton, Sylvia Plath, Alice Munro and U2 among others.
The World's Best Windows
Great photo essay over at AnOther featuring photos and art of striking and beautiful windows.
Spaghetti Alla Primavera
A simple to prepare dish that's now a spring classic — and a great way to enjoy the early spring veggies, too.
(photo by sharyn cairns for robson rak architects)