First Listen: Thievery Corporation's Saudade
The lovely latest album from electronica duo Thievery Corporation, with delicately melancholy Brazilian influences — have a listen to it in full courtesy of NPR.
Modern Home in a California Resort Town
What was once a storied 1980's party house is now a sleek modern space with great mid-century accents and spectacular views. Follow the link to see a slide show.
StopMo Studio
The always wonderful National Film Board of Canada has just released a fantastic stop-motion animation application for iPad. Called StopMo Studio, it's designed for use by both casual and pro users alike — and right now it's available for a special launch price of just $0.99.
Legendary Women Art Dealers
Great art history lesson over at ArtNet about the lives and accomplishments of some of the greatest woman gallerists, patrons and personalities of the New York art scene.
Wes Anderson Palettes
Fun for those who are both interior design and Wes Anderson fans — a Tumblr dedicated to the visualization of colour palettes in Wes Anderson films. Via Laughing Squid.
This Is What 80 Looks Like
Great NYT profile of Gloria Steinem as she turns 80. For her birthday she's planning to go to Botswana so she can ride elephants. So inspiring.
Top Ten Books About Intelligent Animals
Interesting list of books ranging from Animal Farm to The Wind in the Willows, all featuring intelligent animals that serve as a reflection of the strengths and frailties of the human condition.
Lemon Ricotta Gnocchi With Fresh Peas
A lovely dish from Sweet Paul that's perfect for spring. Asparagus would be a nice with this, too.
(photo by line klein)