Hamburg Region + valentine

Sponsored Post: Uncommon Goods
  • Shortly before Christmas the lovely online shop Uncommon Goods was kind enough to invite me to choose an item to review over the holiday season. Based in Brooklyn, New York, Uncommon Goods features unique designs and handcrafted gifts created in harmony with the environment, made without harm to animals or people. They're also committed supporters of non-profits, recycle as much as possible and believe in giving back to their community — all admirable goals that I definitely agree with.
    When it came to choosing an item from Uncommon Goods, I ended up picking Colorku, a board game that's a clever variation of sudoku, using coloured balls instead of numbers. Andrew and I have been playing ever since it arrived — it's an excellent game, both absorbing and addictive. It's also so beautiful to look at, as it's made of rubber tree wood with brightly painted wood balls — I'm happy to leave it out on a side table when it's not being played. Highly recommended. This would definitely be a fun Valentine's Day idea out of the many offered on the site (either for your significant other or for your family) — or, if games aren't your thing, choose from the many other wonderful products at Uncommon Goods, ranging from home decor to bed and bath items, wall art and more. But I think we'll be enjoying another round of Colorku this evening!
    (photos by me on instagram)