When it came to choosing an item from Uncommon Goods, I ended up picking Colorku, a board game that's a clever variation of sudoku, using coloured balls instead of numbers. Andrew and I have been playing ever since it arrived — it's an excellent game, both absorbing and addictive. It's also so beautiful to look at, as it's made of rubber tree wood with brightly painted wood balls — I'm happy to leave it out on a side table when it's not being played. Highly recommended. This would definitely be a fun Valentine's Day idea out of the many offered on the site (either for your significant other or for your family) — or, if games aren't your thing, choose from the many other wonderful products at Uncommon Goods, ranging from home decor to bed and bath items, wall art and more. But I think we'll be enjoying another round of Colorku this evening!
(photos by me on instagram)