New York Times 100 Notable Books of 2013
Great wide ranging list of fiction, poetry and nonfiction — perfect for inspiring ideas for gift giving (either for others or for yourself) for the holidays.
Scents and SensibilityIntelligent Life magazine invited six writers to imagine how they thought various literary characters would smell — all for charity. This intro to the project gives a few tantalizing hints of what the final results will be.
Once a Movie Theatre, Now a Gym
This is amazing — the NY Scout website recently discovered a stunning 1920s movie theatre palace in Brooklyn that was converted into a gym. Wow.
The Junk Drawer Project
A fascinating exercise in urban archeology, The Junk Drawer Project features photographs people's junk drawers, accompanied by a short interview with them about it. Great idea.
The World's Most Exquisite Libraries
And while we're looking at beautiful public architecture, have a look at this slide show of gorgeous libraries from all over the world. A bibliophile's dream.
Neanderthals Organized Their Homes
Interesting — a recent dig in Italy has turned up evidence that Neanderthals organized their living spaces into distinct areas, just like their supposedly more sophisticated human cousins. Via Archaeology.
12 Great Music Docs
Nice round up of 12 music documentaries that are a must see for serious music fans. Friends of mine have recommended the docs Looking for Sugar Man and Sound City in particular as well worth seeing.
Pear Recipes
One of my absolute favourite fruits — I definitely indulge in a lot of pears at this time of year. Check out this lovely selection of sweet and savoury pear recipes over at Martha Stewart, including Pear Tart Tatin, Watercress Pear and Cashew Salad, Cranberry Pear Crisp and Roasted Pears and Sweet Potatoes.
(photo via the style files)