A Star's Best Friend
Check out this slide show of vintage photos featuring such Hollywood stars as Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra, W.C. Fields and Bette Davis with their dogs.
A Brief History of Eyeliner
Fun read about eyeliner, that essential makeup tool for all femmes fatales.
The 10 Golden Rules of Getting Paid as a Creative
Another fantastic and informative Biz Ladies post over at Design Sponge, this time by photographer Leela Cyd. A must for all creatives.
Why We Need Fairy Tales
Lovely essay by author Jeanette Winterson on Oscar Wilde's magical stories for children, and how they are examples of how important imagination is to us all — young and old alike.
Tim Gunn: A Lifetime of Making It Work
New York Times profile of Tim Gunn's journey from his two decades as an administrator and teacher at Parsons the New School for Design in New York to Project Runway stardom.
10 Great Silent Films
Thanks to the magic of the internet, you can watch the silent films chosen by Sight and Sound readers as the ten greatest online for free. Excellent range, too — from F.W. Murnau's Sunrise and Carl Theodor Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc to Luis Buñuel's Un chien andalou and Buster Keaton's Sherlock Jr.
Breaking Through Creative Block
Great strategies from celebrated artists, writers and designers on dealing with creative block, excerpted from the new book Breakthrough! by Alex Cornell. Via Brain Pickings.
Apple and Cranberry Upside-Down Cakes
A perfect way to enjoy the fruits of the season, this recipe would be lovely way to round out a Sunday brunch.
(photo by pia ulin of her new york studio via emmas designblogg)