Covet Garden 3rd Anniversary Issue
The latest issue of the always lovely Covet Garden is out — check out the beautiful and sustainable home of architect couple Janna and Dean.
Alexander McQueen: Working Process
Via Another: "To celebrate the release of Nick Waplington's new book — a visual documentation of the creative process behind what would be Alexander McQueen's final collection — we remember the iconic collection alongside an exclusive selection of images from the publication."
10 Great Films Set in Museums
Discover familiar and not so familiar great films set in museums, such as Hitchcock's Vertigo and Woody Allen's Manhattan (I especially want to see Museum Hours, a new-to-me film from 2012 starring the wonderful Canadian singer/actress Mary Margaret O'Hara).
Mother and Daughter Drawing Team
An illustrator reluctantly allowed her 4-year old daughter to finish her drawings — the result is brilliant and playful.
The Mysteries of the Cereal Box
Why are some cereal boxes easy to close, while others result in a torn and haphazard disaster? It's all about one significant design detail.
Tim Gunn Hearts Etsy
Fun and interesting interview with Project Runway judge and author Tim Gunn, talking about how much he loves Etsy.
Jane Austen Tarot Cards
Fun for Jane Austen fans — tarot cards illustrating scenes from Austen novels! The link above takes you to an Explore article about them — or you can just buy them from Amazon here.
Pear-Cardamom Butter
I've always steered clear of traditional jam making, but this recipe has me seriously reconsidering — a silky sophisticated jam, Pear-Cardamom butter is surprisingly simple to make, too.
(photo by krista keltanen)