A Bookstore in Paradise
Eleni of the lovely blog Grecian Paradise had a recent post about the gorgeous bookstore Atlantis Books on the Greek island of Santorini — as Liz Lemon would say, I want to go to there. Stunning.
Feeding the Detectives
Fun BBC radio feature about how food plays a prominent role in detective stories.
A Love of Craft
Guardian writer Hannah Booth visits three studios to discuss the state of fine craftsmanship today — woodworkers, a glass blower and a globe maker.
Wild Squatters
After this cottage in Finland was abandoned, a new set of occupants moved in — the local wildlife. Utterly charming photos of shy foxes, a family of badgers and more by photographer Kai Fagerström, who patiently waited for hours at a time to capture the perfect image.
What Do Underground London Stops Taste Like?
Truly fascinating — a man with synaesthesia who can 'taste' words created a flavour map of the Tube after visiting every stop during a 49-year project. Some stops sound delicious — others, not so much.
What We've Lost to Technology
Excellent and thought-provoking essay by Rebecca Solnit for the London Review of Books on what we've lost with the digital era — for one thing, the space to think and dream.
12 Animal Adjectives to Boost Your Vocabulary
Impress your friends and up your Scrabble skills with these 12 obscure animal adjectives, starting off with 'anguine', or snakelike.
Spaghetti with Oven-Roasted Tomatoes and Caramelized Fennel
I love that this recipe was shared with Saveur magazine by a New York-based opera singer — rather romantic. It also sounds like a perfect recipe for early fall suppers.
(photo from my second hand life via simply grove)