Girls on Film: Insights From History's Greatest Female Filmmakers
Words of wisdom from Kathryn Bigelow, Jane Campion, Sofia Coppola and more.
A Corbusier-Inspired Parisian Home
Slide show tour of the Parisian apartment of American-born architect Michael Herrman, his wife, Cécile and their 2-year-old daughter, Rose. Interesting mix of original 1790s architecture with a Corbusier sensibility.
The Incidental Pleasures of Street Art
Lovely meditation on the beauty of street art by designer Rick Poynor, who shares a set of photographs he took in Porto in Portugal, in November 2012.
Sterling Cooper Portfolio
Fun slide show of the ad mockups that appear in Mad Men. Mark Your Man!
Top 10 Facts About Cleopatra's Costumes
The epic film Cleopatra turns 50, and to celebrate the occasion 20th Century Fox will be re-releasing it in select theatres. Find out some fun facts about the sumptuous wardrobe design — including Elizabeth Taylor's 65 costume changes in Cleopatra, a record for a motion picture at the time.
The Decline and Fall of the Book Cover
Thoughtful New Yorker piece by Tim Kreider on the meaning behind the odd sameness of book cover design these days.
Terry Gilliam's Animations For Monty Python
Check out this complete collection of the animation created by Terry Gilliam for Monty Python. Guaranteed to make you smile (and laugh).
Orecchiette con Broccoli (Pasta with Broccoli)
A lovely, simple pasta dish that uses just a few great ingredients — and there's a sweet story to go with the recipe, too. Via Emiko Davies.
(photo by david prince)