Tiny Architecture: Five Modern Outbuildings
Great Dwell slide show featuring perfect tiny retreats and/or additions. Love the Finnish sleep cabin — what an amazing view to wake up to.
The Afro Trend: A Photographer Talks Natural Hair
Inspired by a photo he took in 2006 of a young couple at a party with full natural afros, photographer Michael July began the project that is now his new book, Afros: A Celebration of Natural Hair. I think he may have found inspiration at home, too — though Michael has worn his own hair in long dreadlocks since the mid-nineties, both his parents wore afros. Follow the link to a slide show of images from the book (and some seriously awesome hair).
The Joy of Old Age (No Kidding)
Oliver Sacks writes of how he looks forward to turning 80 — lovely and inspiring.
Penguin Street Art Series
Penguin Books has given 10 of their modern classics series to street artists for a cover makeover — check out this slide show of their interpretations of books ranging from Iain Sinclair's Lights Out for the Territory, Peter Ackroyd's Hawksmoor and Don DeLillo's Americana among others.
Victorious Fashion Designer Victoria Beckham
I've always had a soft spot for Victoria Beckham, and this interview confirms me in thinking that she is one of the most level headed as well as talented designers in the business.
The 1960s Bombshell Style of Claudia Cardinale
From Vanity Fair: "...Claudia Cardinale embodied all the wow factors of a 60s starlet: big hair, cat eyes, a seamless hourglass figure, and a raspy, unforgettable voice. This year marks the 50th anniversary of three of her most memorable movies: The Leopard, Federico Fellini’s 8 1/2, and The Pink Panther. To celebrate, we savor the moments of the Mediterranean beauty at her best."
Cheese Reads: Ten Amazing Cheeses and their Literary Counterparts
This is fun — The Airship picks gourmet cheeses and matches them with their literary equivalents. See what they suggest would go well with Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, Joyce Carol Oates, Junot Diaz and others. Via The Paris Review.
Garlicky Greens and Goat Cheese Omelette
Perfect for a quick summer supper, this would be lovely accompanied by a chunk of crusty fresh bread. Via Naturally Ella.
(photo by steve steinhardt with styling by beth helmstetter. via style me pretty)