Le Corbusier 2.0
Lovely two-minute video that outlines Le Corbusier’s five revolutionary principles of modern architecture, covering everything from le Modulor to Villa Savoye and Les Cités Radieuses.
From Public Restroom to Home Sweet Home
Truly amazing London reno by young architect Laura Clark, who, in a city that's challenged for space, made her own home out of an abandoned public restroom. Seriously — check this out. Slide show of the reno here. Via @AptTherapyGreen.
Passport Photos of Celebrities
Fascinating vintage passports of such luminaries as Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein, Audrey Hepburn, Alfred Hitchcock, Ella Fitzgerald and others.
Edible Mathematics
Fun round up on The Guardian with links and ideas on how to have your own geometry bake-off — check out sconic sections, toast tangrams and the Möbius bagel. A great way to make learning math fun (and delicious).
Summer's Sartorial Headache
London writer Rebecca Willis ponders the tricky art of dressing for the office and city life in the heat of summer.
15 Over Used Movie Poster Clichés
Does that new movie's poster campaign look eerily familiar? Well, probably it does because you've seen it dozens of times before — just for different movies. Really interesting. Via Booooooom.
A Lecture on Johnson and Boswell
This is a treat — a newly translated essay by Jorge Luis Borges on Samuel Johnson and James Boswell. Wonderful to see how these two literary figures are viewed by the (often humorous) Borges.
Chickpea Cobb Salad Cups
A colourful vegetarian version of the traditional Cobb Salad, this salad features healthy ingredients nestled in pretty radicchio cups. Perfect for a light lunch on a humid summer day.
(photo by tara pearce for est magazine, issue #10)