What Will You Do With the Rest of Your Life?
Inspiration from a 94-year old yoga teacher, a 101-year old potter, Julia Child and others on making the most of life.
How Historical Figures Would Have Looked Today
This is fun — slide show of historical personages Queen Elizabeth I, Shakespeare, Marie Antoinette, Henry VIII and Horatio Nelson dressed as their modern equivalents.
Frank Sinatra's Mid-Century House
Take a slide show tour of Villa Maggio, the Palm Springs, California mid-century style home designed by architect Ross Patton in 1967 for Frank Sinatra. Currently on the market for $3,995,000, it's been carefully preserved — right down to the original paneling and (eye popping) wallpaper.
You Rang, M'Lord?
Fascinating TLS book review of the new book Servants: A Downstairs View of Twentieth-Century Britain by Lucy Lethbridge. This would make a good gift for Downton Abbey fans.
Every Ray Harryhausen Creature in One Video
King of stop motion animation, the legendary Ray Harryhausen passed away at Tuesday at the age of 93 — check out this video to see all of his amazing creations at once. Thanks again, Ray, for lovely childhood memories of Saturday afternoons watching your wonderful movies.
A Vegetarian Korean Epiphany
Hard working chef David Chang decided to take a break from his frantic (and rather pork-centric) career running five restaurants and visit his parent's native South Korea to learn from some vegetarian Buddhist nuns (who are awesome).
Simple Garlic Mushroom Bruschetta
Perfect for a light lunch or dinner (add a green salad) or on its own as a hearty snack, this is super quick and easy to prepare. From Donal Skehan via Pinterest.
(photo via scandinavian deko)