About Rachel
Hailing from Ottawa, Canada, Rachel DJs around town under her creative nom de plume, Lamb Rabbit. Last year she founded a lady-DJ collective called The Girlfriends. This year she plans to master the guitar and start a soft psych band. Next year she plans on subsisting exclusively off of fancy grilled cheese sandwiches.
You can find some of Rachel's mixes here.
Rachel's Three Picks
Joe Meek — I Hear A New World
It's hard to believe this song was recorded in 1959. Joe Meek's musical genius is encapsulated in this song, the titular track of his "outer space music fantasy" concept album released only as an EP in 1960. Its creativity, playfulness, and yearning for something more will always haunt me.
The Kynds — So If Someone Sends You Flowers Babe
This, to me, is perfect garage. Simple, beautiful, and evocative of a sort of quiet and lonely pride. Somewhere in between the lilting organ and the whispery vocals, the song becomes sacred. The Kynds, a small-time garage outfit from upstate New York, released only the one 45, in 1966.
Nelson Angelo e Joyce — Um Gosto de Fruta
Ethereal Brazilian acoustic psychedelia circa 1972, from two incredibly gifted musicians whose love at the time seared itself directly into the album. I lose my breath every time I listen.