Hamburg Region + technology

  • This week's links. Enjoy.
    Bob Hope's Modernist Lair
    Bob Hope’s Palm Springs estate went on the market for $50 million last week — the sculptural concrete gem is considered one of architect John Lautner’s masterpieces. Check out the slide show — it's truly space age spectacular.
    Why the Pope Wears Red Shoes
    With the election of a new pope in the news, here's a fascinating look at the history and iconography of the Papal costume.
    Digital Etiquette: What Your Email Sign-off Says About You
    Useful guide to navigating the shoals of email tone.
    A Miraculous Curry
    In this installment of the My Madeleine series on the food of memories over at More Intelligent Life, novelist Tash Aw recalls how kari ayam and rice came to his rescue during childhood holidays in rural Malaysia.
    Children Around the World With Their Most Prized Possessions
    Photographer Gabriele Galimberti’s project Toy Stories compiles photos of children from around the world with their most prized possessions — their toys. Touching and thought provoking.
    The End of Google Reader
    Sad news for those who follow their fave sites via Google Reader — Google has just announced that as of July 1, it's shutting it down for good. But before you utterly despair, check out this post from feedly, which tells you how to migrate from Google Reader to feedly (and keep all your RSS feeds intact, too — yay!). Just make sure you transfer over before July 1!
    The Chocolate Room
    Sculptor Elena Kliment recently created an entire room from 1,300 pounds of Belgian chocolate, complete with chairs, vases, and an exquisitely detailed table. Currently at a shopping center in Minsk, Belarus, on April 14 it will be broken into pieces for visitors to taste. Yum! Via Bon Appetit.
    Eight Creamy Pasta Dishes
    Saveur rounds up eight scrumptious creamy pasta dishes — the perfect supper for a chilly early spring evening, when something a little decadent is in order. Rediscover classics like Spaghetti Carbonara and Fettucine Alfredo, and find newer favourites like Kale and Sausage Penne with Lemon Cream Sauce.

    (photo by line klein — see the rest of this fab space over at my scandinavian home)