The Day I Sold Books to Johnny Cash
This is just as awesome as it sounds — a lovely short read. Via The Paris Review.
Pen to Paper
Great post over at Brain Pickings featuring Mary Gordon on the joy of notebooks and writing by hand as a creative catalyst.
A Tiny Masterpiece
Take a virtual tour of The Hailey Residence, a tiny California house designed in 1959 by modernist architect great Richard Neutra — it definitely feels far more spacious than its actual 1,129-square-foot listing would suggest.
Seeing the Subway
Interesting slide show featuring photographs of the New York subway, from 1916 to the present day.
Striped, Spotted and Reticulated
Rebecca Willis muses on the continuing popularity of animal prints in fashion — and what they convey about their wearer.
You As Gummy Bear
Japanese bistro FabCafe has an offer that will make a gift of sweets to your sweetie a more, um, personal one — for 6,000 yen (about $65 US) they'll do a 3D scan of your body, then use a mould to create a gummy bear that looks just like you. For those who like the offbeat gift.
Breakfast as Character Development
Fun piece that looks at how a fictional character's breakfast choices give readers more insight into what makes them tick — from James Bond's fastidious 3 and one third minute boiled eggs to Queequeeg's rare beefsteaks.
Broiled Grapefruit with Honey Yogurt and Granola
And while we're on the topic of breakfast, this simple recipe from Cookie and Kate is a perfect start to a snowy winter morning — warming, with the bright taste and colour of citrus.
(photo of louise simony's dining room by peter kragballe for bolig liv. via nordicdesign)