A Secret History of Women and Tattoo
Fascinating slide show of vintage photos of tattooed women from the new book Bodies of Subversion: A Secret History of Women and Tattoo, by Margot Mifflin, published by PowerHouse Books. From the New Yorker review by Maria Lokke: "Though tattoos are an increasingly common, and visible, element of personal style these days, some of the more hidden and historic examples—from Victorian women to circus attractions—are the most surprising."
Shoegaze: A Beginner's Guide
The Guardian music blog asked their readers to pick 10 essential shoegaze tracks for newcomers. Fantastic list including My Bloody Valentine, Ride, Cocteau Twins, Slowdive and Jesus and Mary Chain among others.
57th Street Rag
Janet Coleman starts off the first in a series of reminiscences by staff members of The New York Review of Books about their time working at the magazine, with her memories of joining the staff in 1963 at the age of 21. Wonderful time capsule of literary New York.
Ask Amy
As if she couldn't be any more awesome. Amy Poehler recently launched Smart Girls, a great website that celebrates girls — the link takes you to the Ask Amy section, where Amy answers questions sent in by fans.
14 Tips For Teaching On-site Workshops
Holly of the wonderful decor8 has put together a great post on how to conduct a workshop — something she sees as a trend in the making for bloggers. Excellent advice — and inspiring, too.
The 10 Best Movie Manhunts
Fun slide show of 10 classic films about manhunts, ranging from Les Misérables and The Most Dangerous Game to North by Northwest among others. Great ideas for movie night.
Transforming an Ugly Duckling on the Upper West Side
Slide show on the New York Times site of a loft apartment that went from OMG to amazing.
Braised Coconut Spinach and Chickpeas With Lemon
Hearty vegan winter fare from The Kitchn — a rich spicy veggie stew served over a roasted sweet potato. Definitely trying this one out.
(photo from living etc, december 2011 issue. via twelve chairs)