On Writing in the Morning
Lovely meditation on the craft of writing by novelist Roxana Robinson. A reminder on the importance of respecting the creative process.
Soul Survivor
Great tour of the amazing avant garde offices of the Ebony/Jet Building, designed by interior designers William Raiser/Arthur Elrod in 1972 and virtually unchanged since then. From the post by Lee Bey: "Their work there embodied an afrocentric modernism that was well-turned, avant garde and quite hip — a perfect match for publisher John H. Johnson's groundbreaking magazines." So glad that the new owners plan to preserve the spaces.
How Beasts of the Southern Wild Was Made
Have yet to see this film, but definitely looking forward to it. Benh Zeitlin discusses how he made his Oscar-nominated film on a shoestring budget.
A Year in Fragments
Extracts from poet Charles Simic's notebook. Utterly gorgeous imagery, all in a few short sentences.
Paju Bookcity
Did you know that there's an entire city in South Korea devoted to all aspects of book manufacturing? Fascinating essay in Design Observer by Shannon Mattern, who traveled there to see what it was all about.
How We're Happier Wanting Things Than Having Them
Interesting study that looked at how anticipating purchasing something gives us more happiness than after we've actually bought it.
Chuck Close on Creativity
Great quotes from painter Chuck Close on the process of being creative — really inspiring and makes you want to just get down to work and get things done.
The Cute Economy: 3D Prints of Your Child's Drawings
Such a great idea. The brainchild of Benat Cuni, Crayon Creatures was launched after his 5-year-old daughter asked him to print a crayon drawing she made of a dolphin. Now an online store, Crayon Creatures will turn any drawing into a sandstone 3-D sculpture.
Sicilian Cauliflower and Black Olive Gratin
I think we might be trying this one over the weekend — it sounds wonderful.
(photo by nicole franzen)