Liz Lemon Office Tour
30 Rock may be in its last season (alas), but before it goes take a fun video tour of Liz Lemon's office with the lovely Tina Fey.
Turning English Beaches Into Art
Environmental artist Tony Plant transforms the beaches of England into swirling canvases, using a simple rake to create beautiful patterns. Lovely work.
A Spoonful of Yogurt
In the first of a new series called My Madeleine, contributing novelist Kapka Kassabova eats her way into her past, a spoonful of yogurt conjuring up childhood memories of living in Bulgaria.
What 13 People Wore to Their Interview With Anna Wintour
Watching The Devil Wears Prada movie, one can't help but wonder what to wear if ever in an interview situation with Vogue's Anna Wintour, the inspiration for Meryl Streep's terrifying character. Here's what 13 interviewees chose to wear on their big day (and how they fared, too).
Virginia Woolf's Cottage Loaf
For Virginia Woolf, baking bread was a refuge from the labour of writing — and something that she was good at, too. Lovely post over at Paper and Salt (and a recipe, too).
A Diplomatic Oeuvre
Conceived by the Museum of Modern Art in the 1950s to cultivate cross-cultural exchange between nations, the Art in Embassies program has grown to include 20,000 participants in 189 countries, curating around 60 exhibitions in diplomatic facilities around the world per year. Great slide show of highlights on Vanity Fair.
The Family That Time Forgot
Mesmerizing true story of a Russian family that was cut off from all human contact for 40 years — living in the remote wilds of Siberia, they were unaware of World War II, living a desperately hard existence. Riveting.
The Saveur 100 — 2013 Edition
Something I look forward to each year, the Saveur 100 is the issue in which its editors and contributors "...take stock of the best dishes we've cooked over the years, the restaurants where we've had our most memorable meals, the libations we toast with, the books and tools we covet, and the incredible people we've encountered along the way. We consider every last one a new classic." Make yourself a cup of tea and settle in for a great read.
(photo by house doctor via hviit)