Melanie Ireland, owner of the shop Simple Kids, had admired in passing this beautiful old house in Antwerp, Belgium dozens of times until one day she noticed a 'for sale' sign outside. Hurrying to take a look inside, she discovered that, thanks to its having remained in the same family for over a century, the house had kept all of its lovely details — the old mirrors, wood floors, high ceilings and huge windows hadn't been touched. Melanie immediately purchased it and, with the help of Antwerp-based architect Vincent Van Duysen, gently restored the time-worn interior. Now the original floors, sanded but left in their natural state, are a warm contrast to the simple white walls, which in turn set off Melanie's colourful collection of vintage furniture and objects collected during her travels over the years — a relaxed and peaceful home for Melanie and her family. (from milk magazine via afflante)