The Gourmand
Just discovered the lovely online (and print) food, arts and culture journal The Gourmand and am utterly smitten — wonderful read.
A Quirky Little Bookshop in Cyberspace
This sounds intriguing — Los Angeles-based multimedia director Claire Cottrell has begun Book Stand, an online bookshop dedicated to limited-run, hard-to-find coffee table-type print publications — plus other books, magazines, zines and the occasional art film.
Mid-Century Modern Churches
Photographer Fabrice Fouillet traveled throughout Europe to capture the best-preserved examples of Modernist churches built after the devastation of the Second World War, for a series he calls Corpus Christi. Stunning architecture.
Top Ten Literary Party Hosts
Professional party organizer Suzette Field picks her fave party throwers in literature, ranging from Jay Gatsby to Mrs Dalloway to Odin.
Quentin Blake at 80
An idol of mine, English illustrator Quentin Blake is probably best known here for his lovely illustrations of Roald Dahl's children's books. As he turns 80 and is celebrated in Quentin Blake: New Lithographs and Drawings at the Marlborough Fine Art Gallery in London, Jenny Uglow offers a lovely appreciation of his career.
Entertainment for Women
From The Morning News: "When it launched, Playboy was a literary power and a force for change. The magazine’s offices also happened to be an interesting place to work—for women. Jessica Francis Kane interviews her mother about life as a secretary in 1960s New York City." And — her mother loves Mad Men!
What To Do When the Bus Doesn't Come and You Want To Scream
Fun social experiment by Italian conceptual artist Fra.Biancoshock that borrows from the well-known psychological principle of "occupied time."
Four Decadent Cheese Plates
Saveur offers up four options for putting together delicious cheese plates for your holiday entertaining, to mix and match at will.
(photo by lisa cohen)