Charlotte Brontë's Silent Revolt
From Intelligent Life: "Notes on a Voice: what makes a gothic fairy tale about a plain governess so raw and exhilarating? Bee Wilson pinpoints what Charlotte Brontë did..."
Food: An Atlas
Fascinating crowd-sourced, crowd-funded, “guerrilla cartography” project led by UC Berkeley professor Darin Jensen. From Edible Geography: " see the distribution patterns of the global almond trade but also the lost agrarian landscapes of Los Angeles, the geography of taco trucks of East Oakland and the United States beershed, as well as the rise of foodbanks in the UK, and much more besides."
Prop Star
Interview with Kate Dougherty, a set decorator who's worked with Wes Anderson and Kanye West.
Eight Bond Gadgets That Have Not Aged Well
Though the new James Bond film doesn't feature much in the way of groovy gadgetry, past Bond films always featured futuristic gear that added scientific glamour to 007's job as a secret agent. Some still hold up as fun ideas — others (like the ones in this slide show) just seem quaint.
Adore Home Magazine
Catching up with the latest issue — lovely as always.
The Ten Grumpiest Authors in Literary History
Pretty self-explanatory — and funny, too.
Take a break from work and play with Silk, an interactive website that lets you draw smokey shapes (with or without vertical symmetry) on your screen with your mouse. Mesmerizing, relaxing and meditative — with nice ambient music, too. Via Boing Boing.
Simple Greek Avocado Sandwich
A luscious and hearty veggie sandwich — perfect for lunch, or with a mug of homemade tomato soup for dinner. Via the wonderful Cookie and Kate.
(photo by louise desrosiers)