Houseboat Living in Paris
Love this slide show of an elegantly styled 100 year old Dutch barge, located on a quiet stretch of canal in central Paris and home to architect/designer Valérie Mazerat and her young daughter, Margot.
The First Lady Detective
This sounds like an awesome read. The British Library is bringing Andrew Forrester's redoubtable Miss Gladden – the first ever female detective in British fiction – back after being out of print for almost 150 years. I'm adding this one to the book list.
Les Portes
Love this series by French artist and photographer Jonas Laclasse, who draws chalk door outlines on buildings in French cities and then asks strangers to pose with them. Wonderful. Via Laughing Squid.
The Gospel According to Pinterest
Interesting NYT piece on the popularity of inspirational posters on Pinterest — from the (now over exposed) "Keep Calm and Carry On" to the latest.
The Starving Artist at MoMA's Doors
Profile of artist Mark Nilsson, who makes a living painting portraits on the street outside the Museumm of Modern Art in New York. His work is amazing — and at $50 a portrait, a steal.
The Mom Stays in the Picture
Great column by Allison Tate reminding moms to make sure they're in the photos too — all too often they're the ones taking pictures of the kids, and end up disappearing from the family photo albums.
Little Houses: Small, Hand Built and Mortgage-Free
Great article on the Etsy blog about the movement towards tiny houses — such as Debra Jordan's, which is 320 square feet. Inspiring — though my book collection would be a bit of an issue.
Curried Pumpkin Cream Soup
A great solution to leftover pumpkin from Thanksgiving — and it's vegetarian and vegan, too! Via Girl Cooks World.
(photo by mikkel rahr mortensen via q en bleu)