Just love these gorgeous images from photographer Cade Martin’s Wonderland project for the Washington Ballet, featuring the dancers in beautiful, fantasy-infused vignettes inspired by the classic children's book Alice in Wonderland. Via Explore.
Abandoned Mid-Century Modern Homes
Beautiful and melancholy sums up this photographic series by Mikael Olsson. Over the past decade he has photographed two summer houses built between 1960 and 1965 by Swedish furniture designer and architect Bruno Mathsson, as they slowly fall into disrepair.
Top Ten Books With Maps
Simon Garfield picks his top ten books with maps, ranging from Winnie the Pooh to Great Railway Maps of the World.
Makers of American Signs
Lovely little slide show of photos of sign painters at work, from filmmakers Faythe Levine and Sam Macon’s new book Sign Painters, a round up of America’s best sign painters and anecdotal history of the craft. Beautiful work.
Dressing Your Other Half
Rebecca Willis reflects on how buying clothes for your significant other can be fraught with hidden messages.
At Home at the End of Google Earth
Amazing long read. From Vanity Fair: "Separated from his older brother at a train station, five-year-old Saroo Munshi Khan found himself lost in the slums of Calcutta. Nearly 20 years later, living in Australia, he began a painstaking search for his birth home, using ingenuity, hazy memories, and Google Earth."
London's Hidden Interiors
Fascinating slide show of photos from London Hidden Interiors, a new English Heritage book that takes a look behind London's less well known facades, from the grandeur of Whitehall to an unremarkable high street in south London.
Upside-Down Pear Gingerbread Cake
An easy recipe that's perfect for warming you up on a cool autumn night — lovely with a generous dollop of whipped cream and a mug of tea. Via sweetsugarbean.
(photo via nuevo estilo)