A Feast of Words
Author Lawrence Norfolk spent three years researching 17th century recipes for John Saturnall's Feast, his novel set in England in the time of Charles I, about an orphan who becomes the greatest cook of his age. Here he lists and briefly describes ten of the 17th century food books he read as background, which all sound utterly fascinating. A Smoothening Quiddany of Quinces, anyone?
The 51 Most Powerful Pinners in the World
As Pinterest becomes a force to be reckoned with, check out the pinners who are sharing the good and lovely. Lots of familiar faces from the design blog community!
The Cult of Disappearing Design
Interesting NYT article about the trend towards interiors that are seamless — an ethos that aims to secrete away anything that needs a button, a cord or a subwoofer to work. Intriguing, but I do find the resulting spaces rather impersonal.
19 Reasons Your Portfolio Isn't Getting Visited
Useful checklist for creatives on why you might not be getting the traffic and/or work from your online portfolio you'd hoped for — great tips.
Wonderful picture gallery of people all over the world bringing in the harvest — wheat, blueberries, honey, and more. A reminder of how much hard work it takes to be a farmer.
Bringing the Hotel Home
From More Intelligent Life: "If hotels used to mimic wealthy homes, now the ideal home looks like a hotel. Matthew Sweet reports—and starts by getting a hotelier round to inspect his place."
World's First Colour Films Discovered in British Museum
Amazing glimpse at history — a colour photo dating from 1901 or 1902, taken by the cinematographer and inventor Edward Raymond Turner (1873-1903). The photo is of Turner's three children in the garden — extraordinary to see such a natural photo of them, all dressed in Edwardian clothing.
Acorn Squash and Sweet Potato Soup
There's something about the first cooler days of early autumn that makes me crave home made soups — they're so comforting and warm. This recipe from Tartelette would be perfect after being outside in the crisp air.
(photo by bruno suet)