My Life as a Bibliophile
Lovely essay by writer Julian Barnes on his life-long passion for books — and why, despite e-readers and Amazon, he believes the physical book and bookshops will survive.
Ragtime Pixies
Intriguing review of The Astaires: Fred & Adele by Kathleen Riley, a new book about Fred Astaire and his sister Adele, his first dance partner — long before he met Ginger. Adele sounds like she was a lot of fun.
Profanity in The New Yorker
Amusing piece by New Yorker copy editor Mary Norris about the delicate art of deciding when — and when not — to edit the f-bomb.
Budge is a useful little app that offers daily reminders of healthy habits for you to do, such as pushups, meditation, flossing, good lunches and stretching. Via Swiss Miss.
David Lynch x Dom Pérignon
Short by filmmaker Gavin Elder that captures fellow filmmaker David Lynch at work shooting premier cuvée brand Dom Pérignon's new campaign. Great behind the scenes look at Lynch's process — and seeing his visit to the revered Abbey of Hautvillers (where in the 17 century Dom Pierre Pérignon first blended his wines) is wonderful, too.
All the Presidents' Menus
A bit late for Independence Day, but fascinating reading nonetheless — a look at the fave comfort foods of American presidents past and present.
The Underground New York Public Library
From The Atlantic Cities: "Ourit Ben-Haim enjoys reading on the subway. Other people reading. Over the past few months the New York City photographer has been hopping from train to train in search of people lost in a book, snapping a candid shot, and posting the picture to her Tumblr blog. She calls her work the Underground New York Public Library." Thanks to Andrew for the link!
Vanilla Cream Pies with Summer Berries
A lovely, summery recipe from Roost that takes advantage of the wonderful fresh seasonal berries available right now. The accompanying photos are as gorgeous as always, too.
(photo by gaelle le boulicaut)