Feeling stressed out? Check out the Calm site, which will have you feeling relaxed, centred and, well, calm in no time. I'll be visiting a lot during deadline time!
100 Awe-Inspiring Green Homes Photos
Slide show of gorgeous eco homes on casasugar.
The Psychology of the Honor System at the Farmstand
Interesting NPR piece exploring why the honor system actually works for farmstands (most of the time, anyway).
Bill Murray: The ESQ+A
Great interview with the brilliant Bill Murray, who discusses his new film (Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom, which I can't wait to see), the craft of acting and more.
Clutter Clearing
Feeling overwhelmed by all your stuff? This article takes a healthy approach to dealing with clutter, encouraging you to enjoy what you have and release what you don't need so that others can enjoy it in turn.
Notebooks of Famous Authors, Artists and Visionaries
Get inspired to create with these peeks into the notebooks of Marilyn Monroe, Nick Cave, Mark Twain, Charlotte Brontë, Leonardo da Vinci and others.
In Praise of Misfits
From The Economist: "Why business needs people with Asperger’s syndrome, attention-deficit disorder and dyslexia." Fascinating piece about why the business world needs difficult geniuses (as hard as they may be to work with).
Scandinavian Sandwich Party
Be on trend (and enjoy relaxed and stress-free entertaining, too) with a spread of Scandinavian open-face sandwiches — Bon Appétit tells you how. Via ecosalon.
(photo by pia ulin)