The Evolution of Lunch
This is interesting — the concept of lunch as we know it now didn't really come into being until about 1850. Before that it was, (to quote from Samuel Johnson's 1755 Dictionary) “as much food as one’s hand can hold” and eaten as a snack at any time of day.
How to Be a Good Traveler in 10 Easy Steps
Helpful tips for happy travels from National Geographic (who should know a thing or two about this topic). Via ecosalon.
A Legend as Big as the Ritz
From Vanity Fair: "Hemingway personally liberated its bar from the Nazis. Proust ordered from it on his deathbed. Sophia Loren declared it “the most romantic hotel in the world.” It was, of course, the Paris Ritz—headquarters and playhouse to Coco Chanel, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, Cole Porter, and Ingrid Bergman, among others. As the hotel closes for a two-year face-lift, A.E. Hotchner recalls the somewhat madcap majesty, eccentric clientele, and unhurried luxury that created a high-life heaven."
Top Ten Art Books
Michael Bracewell picks his top art books, ranging from Tom Wolfe's The Painted Word to The Eye's Mind by Bridget Riley.
Behind the Scenes of Moonrise Kingdom
Check out this great Flickr set of behind-the-scenes stills for Wes Anderson's new film Moonrise Kingdom. Lovely candid shots of the stars, and an intriguing look at the process of film making, too.
House Proud
Katherine Lanpher reveals the secret of how she got her perfect New York apartment — witchcraft!
Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night Painting Made From 7,067 Falling Dominoes
Amazing video of colour dominoes set up to create an impressive chain reaction that seems to fall in the same direction as the artist’s brushstrokes.
Always With Butter
I am loving this gorgeous new-to-me food photography blog by Julie Marie Craig, The recipes are equally lovely, such as the latest post for Blueberry Chocolate Frangipane Tart.
(photo from votre belle maison via twigandsparrow)