Ruined Polaroids
Gorgeous series by photographer William Miller, featuring images created from a broken Polaroid SX-70 — they're like abstract watercolours.
Goodbye Maurice Sendak
So sad that we lost Maurice Sendak this week. Best known for his classic children's book Where the Wild Things Are, rediscover his amazing body of work through a collection of drawings, quotes and memories.
Don't Sing With Your Mouth Full
Daniel J. Wakin in the New York Times: "Opera, of all the art forms, is singularly associated with food, whether because of the appetites of well-girthed singers or the sensual pleasures celebrated in its rich ragout of music, emotion and stagecraft." Intriguing article about the rich tradition of food in opera.
Fogo Island Artists' Studios
Dreaming of running away to a little studio by the sea, making art and/or writing poetry? Check out this slideshow of gorgeous modern artist cabins by Norwegian firm Saunders Architecture, located on the starkly beautiful Fogo Island, located off the northeast coast of Newfoundland, Canada. Thanks to John for the link!
The Rapture of the Silents
An appreciation of the art of the silent film, comparing and contrasting the old (such as The Phantom Carriage) and the new (The Artist and Hugo). Makes me want to rush out and rent (or download) some of these for the weekend!
The Unknown Inventor Whose Work Is Saving the Developing World
This man is truly awesome. From Co.Exist: "Ashok Gadgil is a professor at UC Berkeley. But in his spare time, he’s come up with solutions for water, cooking, and energy quandaries, improving lives from the Sudan to India. How does he do it? He just likes a good puzzle."
Spoon Fed: How Cutlery Affects Your Food
Two scientists became curious about how the taste of food changes when eaten with cutlery made from different metals — so they had a tasting dinner using spoons made from copper, gold, silver, tin, zinc, chrome and stainless steel. Fascinating results.
If you missed my interview yesterday on Friends With Benefits, my friend Tonya's new program on CKCU.FM, you can still listen in via the archives for the next 30 days by following the link above (click on the CKCU.FM 'on demand' button at the top of the page). Tonya and I chat about my current art exhibition at Exposure Gallery and listen to some great music.
A Classic Spring Brunch
Get inspired for the weekend with this classic brunch menu from Saveur, featuring a fresh asparagus frittata, a sweet-tart rhubarb compote, and a string bean and mint salad complement a savory potato-and-lox galette and sweet orange rolls.
(photo by roger davies. via desire to inspire by way of spooky home)