Seeing Fashion History
British artist Arthur Buxton has just completed an exhaustive study on the history of color in fashion — here he takes 130 years of Vogue covers from the United States, the UK, France, and Italy and reduces them to blocks of colour. Beautiful and fascinating.
Baldessari: Life and Work
Check out this great video about the life and work of artist John Baldessari by the directors of Catfish, narrated by Tom Waits. Awesome.
Art and Craft in the Novel
Great essay in the Times Literary Supplement about the rise of domestic handicrafts in the 19th century and how it was reflected in contemporary novels.
Designers and Books
The website Designers and Books recently invited 109 designers (including architects, fashion designers, graphic designers, interior designers, landscape architects, product designers, urban designers, and other design professionals) to choose books that have inspired them. Great list.
20 Fun Things to Do Without Spending a Dime
Strapped for cash but still want to enjoy summer? Check out these great ideas on how to have a fun-filled time without breaking the bank.
Digital Narcissism
Thought provoking opinion piece about "digital narcissim" and how the constant engagement with social media (Twitter, Facebook etc.) is eroding our sense of self.
Delightful Dolls' Houses
Since 1985 the Kensington Dollshouse Festival in London festival hosts thousands of visitors there to see the extraordinary miniature dollshouses on show by 150+ exhibitors. Follow the link to see a slide show of some of the amazingly detailed dollshouses on display.
How Long Would You Survive in a Horror Movie?
Check out this fun graph to see what your chances are for surviving a classic horror movie.
Watermelon, Feta and Black Olive Salad
A lovely summery recipe from Nigella Lawson — perfect for a lunch or supper accompaniment on a muggy day.
(photo by jansje klazinga via desire to inspire)