Hamburg Region + people

  • This week's links. Enjoy.
    Designing Mad Men
    Janie Bryant, costume designer for the AMC show Mad Men, describes her creative process. Love this peek behind the scenes.
    Blunt Force
    From 2010, a great interview in LA Times Magazine with the lovely and intelligent actor Emily Blunt.
    The Dude Abides
    Robert Lane Greene traces the rise of the word 'dude' in the English language.
    Literary Style: 15 Writers' Bedrooms
    Check out this fun little slide show over at Apartment Therapy that features the bedrooms of Emily Dickinson, Truman Capote, Flannery O'Connor, Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf, Henry David Thoreau, Victor Hugo and Marcel Proust among others.
    The Artisans Behind the Artists
    Fascinating interviews with the people who actually create those large scale conceptual works by such artists as Damien Hirst, Rachel Whiteread, Anish Kapoor and others. I've always wondered about the artisans who do this — so nice to hear their thoughts on what they do.
    Secret Worlds: 3 Magical Myths for Grown-Ups
    Escape into magical worlds with these three novels for those of us who remember the enchantment of Alice in Wonderland as children, but want something more sophisticated these days. I'm thinking of picking up Little, Big by John Crowley, which sounds like Dickens with a twist of magical realism.
    How to Dance Goth
    Fun little dance how-to video in the style of old industrial instructional films — that first move totally reminds me of early Kate Bush.
    20 Sweet and Healthy Snacks
    Craving a mid afternoon sweet treat? Check out these healthy and scrumptious snack ideas from Whole Living, all under 200 calories, including Tropical Fruit Parfait, Cherry-Berry Tea Smoothies, Double Chocolate and Ginger Biscotti, Banana Berry and Buttermilk Ice Pops, Coconut Date Bars and more. Yum.
    (photo by anitta behrendt)