Picasso's Sausage Dog
Fun little piece on dog lover Picasso's fondness for a little sausage dog called Lump (German for rascal), who had his own Picasso-embellished plate and even showed in in artwork.
How Does the Brain Perceive Art?
Fascinating look at how science is still trying to grasp the extraordinarily subtle ways the brain looks at art.
A Slow-Books Manifesto
Maura Kelly argues for an approach to literature similar to the Slow Foods movement — an appreciation for quality, and taking the time to savour it.
Alison Goldfrapp on Her Decade of Pop Decadence
Great interview with this extraordinary performer in Rolling Stone magazine.
The Man Who Planted Trees
Absolutely inspiring true story of how an Indian man singlehandedly planted a forest over the course of 30 years, transforming a barren sandbar near his home in the Assam region into a lush wildlife refuge. This man deserves a medal.
Museum of Broken Relationships
Fascinating and bittersweet traveling exhibition about the experience and aftermath of breaking up with someone you once loved or still love, with donated objects (and accompanying stories) from the heartbroken.
Text From Dog
A Tumblr featuring texts from an ironic bulldog to his owner. Absolutely hilarious (though rather cheeky — don't share this with grandma unless she's broad minded).
Main-Course Salads
These 14 salad recipes from Bon Appétit are perfect for when you're in the mood for something light and healthy for supper.
(photo via rum magazine by way of la maison d'anna g.)