Famous Footwear
A trawl through the Smithsonian's archives that looks at interesting footwear, including Dorothy's ruby slippers and a pair of curious cast iron shoes made by an 18th century chemist.
Marie Curie, Bad-Ass
"Hank tells us the story of his favorite genius lady scientist and radioactive superhero, Marie Curie." With finger puppets. Awesome. Via Explore.
Kubrick Before Hollywood
Have a look at Stanley Kubrick's pre-film career as a photographer working for Look Magazine between 1945 and 1950.
The Simpsons Guide to Art History
Fun round up of ten homages to art and artists on The Simpsons. It's not mentioned in this selection, but I loved the episode with Jasper Johns running around swiping stuff ("Yoik!"). Awesome.
A Nine Year Old's Cardboard Arcade Goes Viral
Definitely the heart warming story of the week. Watch this and feel better about everything.
3 Minute Rear Window
Using After Effects, filmmaker Jess Desom has compressed Alfred Hitchock’s film Rear Window into a single panoramic shot, 3 minute time-lapse video. Extraordinary.
The Art of Insight
Interview with Eric Kandel, giant of modern neuroscience and author of The Art of Insight, about the science of aesthetics (how the brain responds to art), and the rise of Modernists in 19th century Vienna. This sounds like a great read. Via The Browser.
Open-Face Avocado and Goat Cheese Sandwiches
Simple and delicious — perfect for lunch or with a salad for a light supper. Via Saveur.
(photo by mark seelen via spooky home)